Livonia, MI, 48152 USA

Request for Reprints of Poster Presentation

Lighting Products and Referee Level Particle Standards for Manual Inspection Projects

Request for Reprints of Poster Presentation

The PDA Visual Inspection Forum for 2017 has come and gone.  The conference had a number of interesting sessions, many of them having information about correlation of manual inspection results.  Although the presentations provided some analysis of Knapp-Abramson studies some information about procedures were omitted.  Having provided a poster presentation on the effect of light intensity in the inspection volume on the Probability of Rejection of known size particles some correlation could be developed.

A number of attendees have requested that the poster presentation be made available to them.  As a result Phoenix Imaging Ltd. has planned to provide the information to anyone that request it by registering electronically or by calling the office directly.  There are two articles that will be made available under the Articles heading:

1) Referee Level Particle Standards Preparation by Gerald Budd, Phoenix Imaging, Ltd.

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2) Optimizing the Inspection Environment for Better Correlation of Human Inspection Data to (NIST Traceable) Referee Level Particle Standards by Gerald Budd, Phoenix Imaging, Ltd.